A very special collection

This month I am thrilled to release the first batch of a very special collection of Samuel Alcock porcelain. This important collection had been assembled over several decades by the collector Murray Pollinger, who passed away in the summer of 2022.
This is not just another collection, for several reasons.

First of all, very little is known about Samuel Alcock porcelain. No books have been written and much of it has been mis-identified over the years, attributed to Coalport, Ridgway, Rockingham or others. Alcock did not mark any of his porcelain save a few rare pieces, and the numbering system is byzantine. Where should a collector start?

Secondly, this collection was painstakingly assembled by the brilliant literary agent Murray Pollinger. He spent countless hours traveling up and down the country to find his treasures, and then research and catalogue them. And, importantly, he managed to crack the code of the pattern numbers, making it possible to create the first proper overview of Samuel Alcock Porcelain.

To top it off, this collection came to me in a very special way... but you can read all about that in the catalogue - fittingly for the work of a literary agent, it is the kind of story you expect to read in a novel!

For the next three weeks, subscribers to my newsletter will have exclusive access to this collection. In order to receive the catalogue with full information, a piece about Murray himself, and links to website where you can purchase the items, please sign up here:
From 13 October onwards I will start releasing small batches of any unsold items into the public shop... but quite a few items are already being snapped up!

During the next year I will also launch a website with Murray's research materials and hundreds of images, so that it will finally be available to the public.
You may also have seen some of the wonderful features in various antiques publications. Below is the feature that the Antiques Trade Gazette ran in September, and Homes & Antiques has a feature in the magazine that is currently on the news shelves.
feature in the Antiques Trade Gazette of 26 September 2023 - click for the pdf!
For now, if you want to find out more, please sign up for the newsletter and you will get a special notice!
Where to find things
You can find all my regular stock here. If you always want to see the latest additions, follow me on Instagram... I post pictures and a story several times a week.
Happy weekend, and sign up to receive the catalogue if you want to see more! 🖋🖋🖋
Some items available in the calatogue:​
(please sign up for the newsletter to receive the catalogue!)